Top Celebrity Hair Transplants
Hair fall is a major problem which affects scores of people both men and women irrespective of nationality, race or age. Celebrities who are constant victims of flash bulbs can do little to seize hair fall with their hectic life style and schedule.
Celebrities including actors, sportsmen and women, famous designers, beauticians, singers and others in the entertainment business feel a pressing need to stop hair loss as they are in the limelight almost constantly, and need to look good. For nothing is hair called the crowning glory. Very few people are comfortable with their baldness, and pointless to say very few men look good with bald heads.
Some Celebrities Who Went For Hair
Although celebrities usually do not confess having cosmetic procedures done, it is quite evident that Nicholas Cage went for hair transplant. By comparing pictures taken few years back and those taken recently we can easily find out that he has undergone a hair restoration procedure. However he has not made his mane thick but has gone for a more natural thinner look.
Brendan Fraser tried medication to stop hair loss but had to eventually go to a hair transplant surgeon. Since he had enough follicular unit grafts in the donor area which is the back and sides of the head, more hair was available for transplant to the balding areas.
Actor Tom Hanks did not have much hair on top of his head. But this also started receding few years back. Recently the hair line has emerged which has helped him retain his looks and mature composure. Thanks to hair transplant technology.
Matthew McConaughey was a user of Regenix to avoid hair fall. But the results seen on his head indicate that Regenix treatment was not the only method used. Hair transplant surgery along with Regenix has produced the good results, it is believed.
Mel Gibson a double Oscar recipient also went for hair transplant procedures to put an end to bald patches created by rapid hair fall. Faced with the problem at middle age, hair transplant surgery has helped him regain hair and his looks.
Not only actors, celebrities in other fields like sports also have to manage their looks to keep their fan following. Cricketer Shane Warne went for the procedure and far from hiding the fact actually endorses it.
Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay who makes constant appearances on TV and popular shows needed an image boost. So besides using Botox to smoothen his wrinkles Ramsay went for a hair transplant. The surgeon performed Follicular Unit Extraction or to help him regain his hair naturally at the receding parts of his head.
British diving expert Peter Waterfield although quite famous with his bald look went for a hair transplant. James Nesbitt had to undergo two hair transplants procedures in 2010. He achieved thick hair by Follicle Unit Transplant or FUT method. He accepted that he gained hair from transplants as a receding hairline was marring his acting career.
Same opinion is held by Calum Best who is keen on leveraging his popularity and wants to look good on High Definition TV. He advises men against bleaching their hair and tying it back tightly which he did often during his youthful days.
Jeremy Piven who fell prey to the hair fall malady has undergone hair transplant to regain his hair naturally. This has also helped him regain his position in the entertainment business.
Kevin Costner was affected by baldness in his middle-age. It did not go unnoticed as the fact found mention in many newspapers. As usual such cosmetic details are not accepted by celebrities. But the appearance of a natural-looking hairline in Costner’s case is proof that he did visit a hair transplant surgeon. He is an early adopter and Costner moved to hair transplants being tired of digitally adding hair.
Elton John famous for many things is a rock singer, songwriter, composer, pianist and actor who also went for hair transplant and also owned up to having done so. Wayne Rooney started losing hair at a young age, and was averse to hats and things. Following such young celebrities, many young people have started going for hair transplants.
Antonio Conte’s hair transplant is so natural
and matches his looks that it is hard to imagine that he went for a hair
transplant. Other celebrities like Kevin Spacey and Jason Alex seem to sport a
full head of hair. Although it looks natural, and many suspect that they went
for hair transplant surgery, experts opine that they are probably wearing well
designed and made hair pieces.
Whatever the method, celebrities are under the compulsion to step out with a full head of hair. After trying to cover their heads with wigs, scarves and hats and using medications, celebrities have famously started getting hair transplants done. The wait time to get a full head of natural hair is significantly less in hair transplants. The technological advancement and sophistication of methods have reduced downtime and cause no scars. They can start working in no time and need not lose out on remuneration. Looks are their USP.
Hairfear - 7-24-2013