Hair Loss

More Men Fret Over Hair Loss Today

Once, long ago, there was a stereotype that men didn’t care about their looks, that  hair out of place, unkempt fingernail or untucked shirt, were never something this sex cared about. But whether the times are changing, or that stereotype never existed, the fact of the matter is that men do care about how they look, and each year investments in beauty products targeted at this demographic are proof.

Walk through any crowded mall or streets in a busy city like New York that attract people from all corners of the world, and you’re sure to see men who appear very in tune with their looks and physical attributes. Keeping one’s face groomed, picking shirts that are clean and that match an entire outfit are common. Combing ones hair - also a plus.. that is, if you have the hair to comb.

Even though men like Vin Diesel have made bald heads a ‘sexy’ attribute, not many men today are confident about the loss of hair from their scalps that occurs with age and hormonal changes.

Because of this, a number of them are turning to topical solutions, oral medications and even more radical surgeries in hopes of restoring an appearance they feel is attractive and acceptable.

The New Indian Express recently ran a column that looked at some of the ways men today are pampering themselves to stay attractive in the same ways women have been admitting to for years.

Dr Raj Kirit, dermatologist and cosmetologist was quoted as saying that an increase hair loss among young men is behind the reasons many turn to cosmetic treatments today.

Hair loss is very common in the younger generation due to lifestyle changes or hereditary factors. For a lot of young men, baldness starts from the age of 16. We undertake platelet rich plasma and transplantation of hair. Before marriage is when men seem to invest in this.”

Hairfear - 12-27-2013

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