Is Hair Loss a Deciding Factor?
Men and women across the globe have suffered with hair loss for years. Many have chosen to hide behind hats or wear their bald head with pride. Others have opted for other remedies and medical procedures in a bid to turn back the clock and regain their precious locks.
Aside from “looking older” many people are caving to societal pressures of not just what’s attractive, but what many survey respondents say is a more trusting, confident look with hair on the head.
A recent news report from Newmax looks at how Florida Sen. Marco Rubio may end up losing the presidential bid because of his hair loss. At first take, this seemed absurd, but they may be on to something.
The article goes on to state how no president has been elected to the White House with hair loss issues in 58 years and how voters are seeming to lean on the candidate that is more attractive in the end.
By attractive, the main characteristics are tall, full head of hair, business man with a stern sense to him.
Was it these same dapper looks he has just some years ago that got him into his current seat, the same looks that will harm his presidential bid? I’d like to hope its not the case, but with so much proof out there that society leans toward what is more attractive outwardly - it may be interesting to see how things shape up come 2016.
Hairfear - 9-5-2014