Viral Video Brings Takes Light Hearted Approach to Hair Loss in Cancer Patients
No matter how you talk about it, any discussions related to Cancer are usually with a serious, or even heavy heart. With so many people across the globe of all ages suffering, the topic is one that many can relate to.
A common result of cancer treatment is hair loss caused by medications and chemotherapy treatments. Now, one teen has taken a brave, light-hearted approach to such a heavy topic and created a remake of the popular Jay-Z song, “Ball So Hard” and created a parody called, “Bald So Hard,” that’s already gone viral online.
Tom Gillin is a 19-year-old at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was diagnosed with pediatric cancer acute myeloid leukemia back in April.
He told that his goal was to create something not so depressing on the topic that would help bring awarness to the topic of pedatric cancers. He worked through tiring chemo treatments with Hospital staff members, pals, CHOP music therapist Mike Mahoney and University of Pennsylvania medical student David Blitzer, for the actual rapping part of the video.
Since the video was posted on just a week ago on August 29, it already has 40 thousand views on YouTube and is being shared by many.
Hairfear - 9-8-2014