Hair Loss

Can Caffeine Awaken Your Follicles, Curb Hair Loss Too?

Most of us who are coffee lovers typically look for that first Cup O Joe in the early morning hours to get ourselves started up and awakened for the day ahead.

Some of us even drink more cups throughout the day to keep the momentum going. Whether you’re consuming caffeine through coffee or sipping on an energy drink, there is no doubt its a great way to get things moving.

Well now that same principle is being applied to an idea that caffeine might also help those who experience thinning hair and hair loss to help awaken and revive hair follicles.

Don't go getting ready to try out the coffee  just yet, turns out this is more of a topical application of caffeine that is at work with the idea.

According to an article posted on, a caffeine solution applied to the hair follicle was shown to help strengthen a weak follicle, before it goes dead - eventually falling off - and causing hair loss.

Tobias U. Fischer, a dermatologist at the University of Lübeck in Germany was quoted by Allure as saying that with the caffeine solution (which is a special blend of treatment formulas) “hair growth increased by up to 25 percent.”

While this is still more common in Europe, the hope is that further testing and proof that these solutions do in fact work to help with hair growth and getting hair follicles back to healthy state - then we’ll start to see more and more solutions hitting our store shelves as well. 

Hairfear - 1-24-2015

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